Wanderer’s Road: Unknown Salt

This week has featured some pretty extraordinary things. This includes, but is not limited to, me setting up my job shadowing, meeting new and friendly people and deciding to be a generally happier person. Don’t know why I decided such a thing, but hey, if it’ll make me a better person than who cares. But past that, my info graphic is coming along quite nicely now, and so I think it could possibly be a design. Definitely not a winner though, even though many here barely put in effort, there were some who really knocked it out of the ball park. But with that said, I still enjoy the simplicity of my design, as I feel it conveys the message nicely.
Furthermore I learned this new skill on how to quickly and efficiently make ribbons.Even ribbons which are placed vertically or horizontal. There are some that are a bit harder than others, but I do still feel pretty good about how to create, design and apply such a skill. ‘
Past that, I’m wanting to learn about Typography from one of the seniors, and maybe get a head start on it. Reason being that I really liked what they did, and the process in which they followed seemed pretty fun.
Past that, one of our guest speakers this week was Jeremy Alexander, my job shadowing guy. He’s a super chill, mildly talkative self-employed designer. Kind of lengthy, but I don’t really care. He also has a very large view of the market, which would be nice to learn of. His speech this week though was awesome, even though I had already heard it once. The entire speech was pretty solid, with him explaining what Fivver and Upwork are. Each is a website meant for anyone, anytime to try and find remote or local work especially used for designers and such.
Moving past that, my family has decided that we are going to be celebrating the dinner together, as a big ol’family. My brother has come over this weekend, and me and my friends are going to get together this Saturday to hang out and enjoy each others company.

Wanderer’s Post: Unknown Thoughts

I love my newest designs for the holiday cards, especially my “Greetings of the Seasons”. That design was by far my favorite, since it incorporates a lot of natural elements that I don’t normally do. My personal preferences lay more towards that of geometrical designs and shapes. Which is probably why this actually felt like a partial challenge to my skill set. However, after completing this project I felt that I can attempt more of natural/curvy art pieces. With that being said though, I still feel that I need improvement; but that goes for pretty much everyone in this class at this point.
With that being said, I can definitely feel myself coming along nicely, especially since the cards drew me in to new heights. I feel that my ability to do more fluid, natural art pieces has increased to a near MAXIMUM. That was a joke by the way. BUT on a more serious note, I have improved extremely in a field I never thought that I had wanted to get into. That field is photography, which by all means is great, is also expensive. Especially newer cameras, which are amazingly difficult to buy. However, with the help of my good friend Joe (male) I have been given some great exposure to the photographer side of things. Especially dynamic shots and action shots. Still not use to it but photography is really amusing and interesting.
Moving past that, I finally got my job shadowing set up with this awesome guy named Jeremy who does video work and business management. His business skills seem to be astonishing, so I hope to learn a lot of different things from him than what I would normally. I’d love to have a back up plan involving something along those lines.
Furthermore, I just recently got info back from my other shadowing offer, and well that feel through. That’s why I had decided to go with him instead, as he seemed interested in some of the same interests as I was. And am. That is probably why I wanted to shadow him. Huh. Kinda funny.

Wanderer’s Post- Unknown Variables

Forgot what post number this is, so we will name the ones from here on in the Unknown series. But I digress, seeming as my hot sauce label would probably be much more appreciated. The label itself was actually very simplistic, and turned out better than I had originally thought. While it was not the best in the class, I think that it had its own kinda charm. Especially with the cute little match. Past that however it wasn’t ever meant to be anything beyond what it was. It is easily mass produced and super simple to sell, so I think I did pretty well.
Moving on, our two guest speakers were some of the coolest people I have met that work with, well, paper. Their entire demeanor towards it, their thoughts, everything were so focused on what they do. It is not so much a job as passion for them. And honestly, that’s awesome. I really loved their enthusiasm to show us all these separate features and to let us get to know what it is that they are doing with their business. The trip to their business was amazing, especially since they gave us a great tour of the entire facility; allowing us to view their machines, question their workers and even get some hand-on viewing of the inner machinations of their process. All in all I would, and everyone else their, would say it was a successful trip. We are all very thankful for their time and effort.
Past that, my holiday cards came out pretty well, considering that I barely knew what I was doing initially. Holiday card designs are a lot harder to think up than one might imagine. Especially since every card in existence has roughly the same design, barring a few. Sadly, mine fall into the prior and are, at most, super generic. While not direct copies by any means, they are similar to a lot of other well marketed cards. Past that though, there is not much else to talk about.
Except for my other classes, which are going extremely well right now, especially since Chemistry and Spanish are going amazing.

Wanderer’s Road #Unknown

Sorry that I haven’t posted in a while wanderers. Yeah, lot of things come up in life, and you can’t always do what you want. But anyway, my final piece for doodle for Google is actually something that I take pride in. While it may be pixel art, and it may seem easy, but once you get into it you will notice the level of monotony  and detail that actually goes into a project like this. I had shaded the words: as they were made with stone, and covered them with all sorts of foliage. That includes flowers, moss and vines with a little extra grass and stuff. Past that, we have moved on to another project already.

This project is our Fire House Hot Sauce Project. Which just so happened to occur on the same week as Spirit Week. And of course, in my utmost usual fashion I have not truthfully participated what so ever and probably won’t. Oops. Other than that, the hot sauce label has come along quite nicely. My design is simple in nature, with a match lighting the middle and two peppers on either side.The font for the title and sub-title are made to look slightly western, to give off a more “heated” feel. Yeah, terrible puns.

Anyways, the University of South Carolina was an amazing place. Its courses would be perfect for me, as they actually have a video gaming major. Its not labeled that, but it is just that. However, it is semi-expensive so I will have to be careful. The state fair was awesome, as I got to hang out with all of my friends. They also had fun, or they should have, since we blew like some 80 bucks on it. Yeah, but it was still one of the most astonishing things ever.

Then came Hurricane Mathew. Watched people struggle through the storm as it was occurring. Some got hurt, others died. It was a terrible time for everyone, no matter who you were on the lower East Coast. Yet it was good for some, as it allowed for new beginnings, and for a closeness that we didn’t have before.