Wanderer’s Road #Unknown

Sorry that I haven’t posted in a while wanderers. Yeah, lot of things come up in life, and you can’t always do what you want. But anyway, my final piece for doodle for Google is actually something that I take pride in. While it may be pixel art, and it may seem easy, but once you get into it you will notice the level of monotony  and detail that actually goes into a project like this. I had shaded the words: as they were made with stone, and covered them with all sorts of foliage. That includes flowers, moss and vines with a little extra grass and stuff. Past that, we have moved on to another project already.

This project is our Fire House Hot Sauce Project. Which just so happened to occur on the same week as Spirit Week. And of course, in my utmost usual fashion I have not truthfully participated what so ever and probably won’t. Oops. Other than that, the hot sauce label has come along quite nicely. My design is simple in nature, with a match lighting the middle and two peppers on either side.The font for the title and sub-title are made to look slightly western, to give off a more “heated” feel. Yeah, terrible puns.

Anyways, the University of South Carolina was an amazing place. Its courses would be perfect for me, as they actually have a video gaming major. Its not labeled that, but it is just that. However, it is semi-expensive so I will have to be careful. The state fair was awesome, as I got to hang out with all of my friends. They also had fun, or they should have, since we blew like some 80 bucks on it. Yeah, but it was still one of the most astonishing things ever.

Then came Hurricane Mathew. Watched people struggle through the storm as it was occurring. Some got hurt, others died. It was a terrible time for everyone, no matter who you were on the lower East Coast. Yet it was good for some, as it allowed for new beginnings, and for a closeness that we didn’t have before.

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